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About SkillBridge
The DoD SkillBridge program is an opportunity for separating service members to gain valuable civilian work experience through specific industry training, apprenticeships, or internships. SkillBridge matches the civilian opportunities to specialized job training and work experience at the end of your military duty. SkillBridge permits you to use up to the last 180 days of Service to train and learn with an industry partner.
Note: You must be active duty United States Military to apply to the SkillBridge program.
About- skilbridge
1. What does the SkillBridge program look like at SIXGEN?
The vast majority of SkillBridge applicants accepted into the SIXGEN program already have a foundation in Offensive Cybersecurity. Completion of CNOQC or related work experience is preferred, but not required. The focus is generally on three items (pillars) central to a successful skillbridge engagement. These are exposure to new and different technical challenges of interest, dedicated time for self development (certifications of interest), and personal time to fulfill your duties as required prior to your ETS.
2. What is to be expected of you in the SkillBridge Program?
You will be expected to perform self management during your time at SIXGEN. There are very limited opportunities to support live operations and customers, but if the opportunity presents itself, you will be part of a team with at least one senior operator and will receive tasking from them. You will have long term research goals focused on one or more projects, where applicable, as well as time to prepare yourself for the private sector.
3. Assuming it goes well, is the expectation that a job offer would follow?
While we can not guarantee employment following a SkillBridge engagement, our goal is to ensure each SkillBridge Intern has an opportunity to explore currently open positions that they qualify for to evaluate a good fit before their SkillBridge time ends. Our entire leadership cadre is former military and/or agency personnel and they value the training and ability that those exiting the military take with them.

Must be active US Military
Must have 180 days of service or fewer remaining prior to your date of discharge and at least 180 continuous days of active service
Must obtain approval from your unit commander
Must agree that participation in SkillBridge can be terminated at any time by the Service if mission requirements dictate
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